Lecture 3
Confronting maintaining relationship
Main features
Teaching is a great job to do.
However, it is not an easy job to accomplish. Social developments follow each other in rapid succession. What is valid today may be different tomorrow. More than in the past, the teacher is confronted with issues and problems in education that are rooted in society.
Many of these issues require consultation between teachers and between teachers and their supervisors. Discussion about how there should be didactic and pedagogical coordination, how the team should be unambiguous in communication with parents and how everyone will still recognize themselves in the work.
Many teachers often go home with a full head after a team meeting: On their way home, they often think about 'what they actually wanted to say'. But have not done so.
Many teachers do not know how to present a different opinion, feedback or criticism in a meeting without feeling that an argument arises.
They find it difficult to confront with maintaining a relationship.
Why is that and more importantly: If you want to react differently than you usually do, how do you go about it?
What can you personally do to confront appropriately?
When do you do that in a team meeting and when is it better to do that 1-on-1?
What can you expect from managers?
What can you expect from your colleagues?
What gains can a team achieve if they can create a professional atmosphere in which confrontation can take place with respect for each other?
Without friction no shine.
duration: 45, 60 or 75 minutes
costs: € 275 plus travel expenses