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Moral strength

Modern society expects organizations, companies and the professionals who work there to

that they undertake and act in a socially responsible manner and contribute to improving our society.

That is itappeal to the professionof the professional is done.

This asks ​​from the people professionals that they are aware of the moral implications of their work and of their own moral strength.

The work they realize, but also the exemplary role they fulfill in their work, are important.

For most professionals, the beginning of every career is a period in which major changes in their identity take place. The influence of the organization in which they work has an effect on the often fragile identity of a starting professional.

By developing the concept of Moral Autorship, we want to create language to think and speak about the moral aspects of work.

More information about our project moral authorship can be found on  web pages moral authorship.


These web pages report on our scientific research project. You will find publications in scientific Journals.

On the web pages about Moral Authorship you will also find links to the developed questionnaire to gain insight into your own 'moral selfie'. 

People professionals experienced in the increasingly faster changing society, increasingly influenced by events elsewhere in the world,  an increase in intensity and responsibility in their work. They are confronted more and more on a daily basis with clients, with managers, social organisations, inspection bodies, politics and last but not least with the professional group of their profession itself. 

All these steakholders in their professional field appeal to the people-professional in one way or another. This intensification of work requires professionals to consciously and professionally reflect on the many choices they make every day.

In the vocational training, the prospective professionals have often been focused in the reflections and feedback

on improving the primary skills of their profession.

However, it is very important for sustainable successful work behavior that reflections also pay attention to the possibility of being able to choose how you want to do your work well.


The concept  'Moral Authorship' focuses on the development of the 'moral strength' of the people professional.

The starting point here is that the process of moral considerations and choices is the use of your narrative power

to achieve sustainable successful good work.


We see moral authorship as the moral (learning) power of the people professional, with which he or she can take responsibility for professional actions, show/hear this to the steakholders and

wants to take that responsibility proactively.

Moral authorship is understood as a process of continuously thinking through three questions:

  • How do I know (how do I know) ?

  • Who am I? and

  • What kind of relationships do I want to enter into?


Three elements are important in Moral Authorship:

  • gain control over thoughts and reactions

  • developing a personal vision of life

  • live your life authentically

Moral authorship as a moral (teaching) force gives the people professional the opportunity to (explore) his or her possibilities from a broader perspective,

understand themselves better and empower the professional to build authentic relationships, both privately and at work.

Moral authorship is using je narrative power.

In the stories that people professionals tell themselves or share with others, they exercise moral authorship.


Moral Authorship is a sharpening stone for the mind.

Told stories are the 'training ground' in which the people professional tries to understand himself, to get to grips with work and profession, life and

on the underlying moral choices.


On the website of Prostaminas you will find as for the professional under our offer Dutch explanation of the concept

and for organizations our range of lectures or webinars. 

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