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Lecture 7
To curb or to wing. A pedagogical perspective

Main features

Children: lack of sleep, restlessness, a hundred and one hobbies that have to be done every week. Alone or just friends through social media. Confused or silenced by misery nearby or disasters far away. Perform dutifully or enjoy life. Listening to or talking to parents.

What is it like to be a child today?


Parents: Adult children of the rubber tile generation. Clumsily outgrown their own childhood and are confused by work, leisure and social media. Insecure about knowledge, skills and performance. Demanding freedom and me-time but worried about success as an improvising parent and the messy process of parenting.


To curb or to wing:

Is school, home and group of friends a place where people drill to perform or the safe space in which children can discover and develop their potential?

Do adults lead compliance to achieve adult goals for children or do adults support the development of skills in children so that children can set goals and determine the path to their future?


How can the focus in upbringing and education on self-confidence, empathy, self-control, integrity, curiosity, optimism and perseverance ability, shape the pedagogical perspective of education and upbringing?


duration: 45, 60 or 75 minutes

costs: € 275 plus travel expenses 



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